The Blog That Shall Not Be Named

It's really hard to name a blog.

Names and Places

What’s in a name?

Something I’ve learned over the past week of my sabbatical: naming a blog is like naming a kid or a pet – everyone has an opinion on the name you choose and none of those opinions align. I’m going to be traveling for 7 weeks, and enough people have asked me to send them pictures that I figured it would be easier to just start a blog for anyone to read and see pics. Boy, did I have that ALL WRONG. You can’t start a blog until you come up with a name for it, and it’s really hard to find something that conveys the right message, particularly when you don’t know what kind of message you want to convey. I was this close to naming it, Katherine’s Blog, and being done with the whole thing.

Fortunately, my Legacy-honed ability to work well under pressure and meet deadlines came through yet again, and I came up with this one. Generic enough to let me ramble about travel while also sneaking in a post to rant about the Cubs or Bears, all while satisfying my inner Harry Potter geek. So, I give you, The Blog That Shall Not Be Named.

Where to next?

Tomorrow, I am leaving (on a jetplane, of course) for nearly 7 weeks in Europe: 29 nights in Italy, 4 in Malta, 3 in Lithuania, 3 in Latvia, 4 in Estonia, and 4 in St. Petersburg. I’m excited, but mostly just glad it’s nearly here and I am done planning. Don’t get me wrong, I could plan trips for a living I love it so much, but it’s a lot to pull together in a fairly short amount of time.

A lot of people have asked me the same questions about this trip, so I’m going to do a little Q&A of the most common questions:

Are you nervous to be gone for so long?
Yes and no. I didn’t study abroad in college, and I’ve never been gone longer than 13 nights, so this is considerably different than anything I’ve ever done. But, I’m super excited to see all of the things I have planned in each of the 10 cities I’ll be visiting so I think that will distract from any homesickness. I’ll also have full technology use on my phone, so I can call/text/email if/when I’m feeling lonely.

How do you plan all of this?
Very carefully. Wherever possible, I use the guidebooks written by my travel hero, Rick Steves; I visit various travel forums for the places I’m visiting (Rick Steves, TripAdvisor, Fodor’s, etc.); and I do a lot of google searches. I work out an itinerary (how many nights in each place) and figure out transportation between cities. Then I put everything down that I want to see in a Word doc (I’m old school, but there’s probably an app these days) and start grouping my interests together based on when they’re open and where they’re located. I will occasionally move stuff around due to weather/interest/time/etc once I’m in a location, but for the most part, I like to go in knowing approximately what I’ll do in a given day.

My biggest fear for this trip is that I’ve screwed up a date somewhere without realizing it and have two hotels booked for one night and none for another. Hopefully, that homeless night is warm and dry…

How do you pack for 47 nights?
I spent A LOT of time on this for this trip, which is not the norm for me. The problem is the weather – traveling in spring means you could get very cool temps or really warm temps, or likely both. I’m also visiting Mediterranean countries and northern Baltic countries, which have really different climates. So I’ve hemmed and hawwed quite a bit over whether I should bring more short sleeves or long sleeves, pants or capris, sandals or boots.

My buddy Rick Steves will say to just bring 5 shirts and wash them, but he’s also a lunatic. There’s no way I can wear the same 5 shirts for 7 weeks if I don’t have to, so I’m bringing about 2 weeks’ worth of clothes and will do laundry in my AirBnBs. I need options. I’ll still only bring a travel backpack and a 22″ roller bag. How I’ll get all the stuff I buy home is another question that I’ll figure out…later.

Why do you do this?
I really love to see new places and experience new things and new cultures. There are 7 billion people living lives completely different than mine, and yet still the same in so many ways. I want to see and experience what they do, and I’m lucky enough to be able to so I go. My one goal with this blog is to hopefully encourage others to go, too!

My list is never-ending. I cross off one place, and add three more.

20 thoughts on “Names and Places”

  1. Jennifer Madeja says:

    What a great trip!! Can’t wait to read more about your blog!! I really think you need to be a professional international travel planner as your new job!!

    1. Katherine says:

      Haha, wouldn’t that be nice?! Except I would be so annoyed if people didn’t do exactly what I told them. 🙂

  2. Katie says:

    I’m so glad your stated a blog so we can keep up with your trip!

    1. Katherine says:

      Thanks! Hopefully it’s interesting haha

  3. Chris Burris says:

    You are a little flutter bug! You have my info and I want to fly with you – keep me on board!

    1. Katherine says:

      Stick with me, we’ll go places. 🙂

  4. Your Favorite Sister says:

    Yay! The blog is officially official. Can’t wait to see the 47,884 phots you take!

    1. Katherine says:

      I’m just going to put a couple here, I think I have a size limit haha

  5. ChrisLynn says:

    Lynn and I will be following…have a great adventure!

    1. Katherine says:

      Thank you both!

  6. Jelly says:

    Can’t wait to follow your adventures!

    1. Katherine says:


  7. Michelle Mickaelian says:

    Have you used the website
    It’s my absolute favorite – go to site; for how to get to point A to point B

    1. Katherine says:

      I have! Not much for this trip since the trains were pretty straightforward but it’s really useful

  8. Peg Foltz says:

    Some of us thought you already left – would love to see pictures and hear about your experiences! You are brave, I’m such a homebody that to travel that much sounds like a lot! Enjoy, and be safe!

    1. Katherine says:

      Ah, no, I had always planned to go in April. Feb/March in Italy is not much better than Feb/March in Chicago…

  9. Connie says:

    I love the name of your blog! Even if I didn’t, I would still follow you/it. I am so inspired by your adventures that I might visit Canada again. Haha! This time I would go to western Canada where they all speak English. 😉

    1. Katherine says:

      My goal is to inspire people to travel, yay! And I’ll be honest, pretty much everyone I’ve encountered in Italy so far speaks English. In the tourist areas, they all do!

      And I’m glad you like the name, you know how much time I spent thinking of names!

  10. Shirley Bailey says:

    Wow, this sounds fantastic! You should really consider becoming a professional travel advisor. Enjoy, can’t wait to see pictures and hear about some of your experiences.

    1. Katherine says:

      Thanks, Shirl! I’m sorry we never made it to lunch before I left – we’ll have to get there when I return. 🙂

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